Why We Homeschool
"We will never regret the time we invest in our children. Never!"
~ Brandee Gillham
It is a Calling
Homeschooling was never my goal.
It was never my plan.
And I can't imagine doing any greater kingdom work now that I am right now.
My cowboy and I had always planned on me staying home with the littles until the last one was in kindergarten (government school, that is). I was very clear that I wanted to go "back to work."
We were raising our two oldest boys and it was time to ship the first one off to the local public school. He was going to be a fourth generation graduate of this little country school. His great-grandpa had graduated from there. His grandpa had served on the School Board. We might as well have bled green and gold.
I knew I was going to miss my little boy terribly, but this is what you do... right? You forcefully separate your child from yourself so they can be socialized and potentially get an education.
I was sicker than a dog at this point in my life. I had just finished 6-months of chemotherapy in my battle against lymphoma on August 5th of that year. My oldest son started public school on August 26th. Both his little brother and I cried buckets as we left him amongst all of those strangers that day.
We tried to accept it as normal. I have journaled for my boys every day of the life (I know, I'm kind of crazy), but I've been told for years that we should write down all of the funny things they say, all of the specials memories, etc., but I was realizing that it was harder and harder for me to write down all of the things that were happening in my son's day because there was so little I knew.
I was reading a book by Sally Clarkson about motherhood and she quoted Deuteronomy 6:5-7, "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
It was in reading this scripture that I realized and began to question, "How can I impress this really on my children if we are not sitting at home together?"
Simply, I couldn't.
My bachelor's degree was in Biological Sciences and I know how much I had to unlearn of the lies I had been taught in public school and college. I wasn't going to have enough time with my children in all of the after hours to teach them the truth.
That same week I had a dream that my basement had a classroom within it. It was set up with white tables and looked like such a peaceful place to be and learn and grow.
I mentioned the idea of homeschooling the boys to my husband, and in stereotypical fashion he said, "I don't think so. There is a perfectly good school just two miles away."
I asked him to pray about it and reconsider. We spent time really seeking the Lord's will in this decision in our life.
We decided I was going "back to work."
We chose to be obedient to the calling to disciple our children through home education.
I have never regretted it for one moment!
Will you consider it?