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Image by Marten Bjork

Educational Planner

"We will never regret the time we invest in our children. Never!"
~ Brandee Gillham

When you can't find what you want... design your own.

Click the button below for a downloadable Excel document of my planner.

Sketch Arrow 2_edited.png

There are a million and one planners on the market. I never found one that truly fit what I needed for my boys. So...

I used a simple Excel spreadsheet and designed it myself.

I figure out my curriculum choices and decide which boy is going to do which curriculum individually and also which ones we are going to do as a family. I update it on average about four times per year - simply as boys move from one curriculum to the next, move up a level, or if we decide something wasn't a good fit at all. 

I prefer to plan my school week one week at a time and I really love it if I get it done on Friday afternoons. That way the school week is over, I know what we actually got done out of my zealous plans, and it gives me peace of mind over the weekend. If I miss that Friday mark, then it is likely I am doing my planning on Sunday evening... late!

22-23 Planner - pg 1.jpg
22-23 Planner - pg 2.jpg

Just a sampling of my planner

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